Suggestions for the bas-relief
An outline of the old Featherston Town Hall that once stood very near where the Sculpture will be sited might be apt. Built in 1894 it replaced the initial town hall which was burnt down in 1893 along with its next door neighbour the Royal Hotel. The new hall was a magnificent building that was sadly let fall into such a state of disrepair it had to be demolished in 1974. In its time it was the hub of Featherston and during World War I it often served a church for the large number of soldiers stationed at Featherston Camp. See attached photo from Gateway to Wairarapa – and the quote from pages 15 & 16 Good bye Bill Massey No more Khaki Reg Hird’s letter from the Great War Rachel Hird (March 18 1917)
“After tea Dr Perrit asked us to go to church with him so we went and to the Presbyterian church and there I saw one of the best men I have ever met, that was the minister and I think he is also the biggest man I have ever seen. He had such a crowd to see him that he had to hold his service in the town hall and it was packed full. You could hardly find room to stand. He preached a splendid sermon and afterwards the ladies of Featherston shouted supper for everybody in the hall, so we all went home happy.”
I believe both of these subjects would be suitable for the Bas Relief and am happy to provide additional research in support of them if required.
Lesley Wardle
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